
From: Lennart Nilsson <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:01:29 +0100

I think you are only discussing the meaning of the
starting assumption here. Have you grasp the whole 8-steps argument? If
I'm wrong or unclear just tell me where and let us discuss where the
precise problems are. Please keep in mind that I am open to the idea
that the physics extracted from comp is incompatible with the empirical
physics making comp not sustain by empirical evidences.
Perhaps you could also tell me what is your opinion on Everett or
Deutsch. People who dislikes Everett's work could hardly appreciate


Oh, I am very much proEverett and proDeutsch and, I might add proStandish
(having translated his book Theory of Nothing into swedish). And you are
right of course, it was your assumptions I questioned...


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Received on Thu Feb 21 2008 - 09:02:58 PST

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