Re: Bruno's argument

From: Bruno Marchal <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 15:01:25 +0200

Le 21-juil.-06, � 00:26, 1Z wrote (to Jesse)

> If you can't even express qualia mathemtically how
> can you have a mathemtically necessary psychophysical law ?

Mmmm.... I smell a pre-godelian conception of mathematics. No rich part
of math can be self-sufficient.
But that absence of self-sufficiency can itself been made mathematical
(Godel, Turing, Post).

So we can do this: we can show that any machine (enough rich, lobian)
which introspects itself (in a precise theoretical computer science
(needing some more stuff on the Fi)) can discover true facts about
herself, and at the same time can discover that such facts are not
provable or 3-communicable. She can even discover sequence of concepts
like larger and larger notion of truth, and guess correctly that the
limit is not even nameable.

Wittgenstein said (in its youth) that we should not speak about we
cannot speak, but he was wrong. Indeed the machine which introspects
itself already can say at least this: "that we should not speak about
we cannot speak". Like Wittgenstein actually. The machine can already
show that there is something which she cannot talk about if she want to
remain consistent.

This can be made precise with the logics G&Co, but for this I should
explain before the roadmap George has suggested (asap).


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Received on Fri Jul 21 2006 - 09:02:34 PDT

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