Re: Number of Dimensions at Level 2?

From: John M <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 18:09:22 -0400

I kept 'reading - and quiet', "none of my business", but I cannot keep my
shut forever.
Why are you guys so self-assured that anything (meaning: everything) is just
the way we learned to see it in our neighborhood? The Multiverse: universes
identical (structure) to ours. Dimensions? 4 even if different ones. (Even
describing the old Kaluza-Klein idea).
As I mentioned over the past some years on this list, my "multiverse" in
"narrative" (as I call it rather than 'theory', or even 'hypothesis') I drew
up to make
a story logical (for me) how our universe could start (and end), includes an
undefinable number of universes, among them quite different structures, and
our dimensions are produced by the quality of components forming THIS world.

Similarly the "inflation" is not a physical process in 'some' dimensions: it
is the
transition from the spaceless - timeless starting condition into our INSIDE
of space-time system, so the transition from "no space" into "vast space"
like an inflation, when it is translated into physical terms/measurements.
with the marvesl of the first tiny fractions of the first second "after" the
Big Bang:
the transiotion from "NO TIME" into our inside view of the space-time system
has a "first instance" - measured by those miracle short intervals by
which requires some timespan to exist.
Such thinking eliminates the stupid questions "what was before the Big Bang"
because the "before" cannot be applied to an atemporal system (like the joke
of Einstein: what is north of the North Pole?).

Couldn't we free our mind from the anthropocentric views and allow (although
not understandably) unlimited qualities (structures?) of universes,
unlimited and
unqualified dimensions, and if someone insists in computable worlds,
math and computational machines from our embryonic style.

I wrote a sci-fi with 6-D participants and an energy with 3 poles (+, -. and
a third).
(It was not a success, but I did not restrict my fantasy to the physics

Sorry for the outburst.

John Mikes Ph.D., D.Sc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hal Finney" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Number of Dimensions at Level 2?

> Paul Hughes writes:
> > Tegmark talks about the inflationary space at level 2
> > that is eternally, chaotically stretching, which in
> > turn gives rise to symmetry breaking into a variety of
> > various dimensionalities. So the question is, what is
> > the number of dimensions of this inflationary space?
> > Is it infinite Hilbert Space?
> I think he is talking about the hypothetical 11 dimensional space
> which string theory predicts. According to these models, 7 of the 11
> dimensions have shrunk to unnoticeable size in our universe, leaving
> the traditional 4 dimensions of time and space. The possibility is
> that in other universes (other parts of the inflationary space where
> inflation has stopped) different numbers of dimensions could shrink,
> producing universes with more or less than 4 macroscopic dimensions.
> Hal Finney
Received on Tue Apr 22 2003 - 18:31:44 PDT

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