Re: Number of Dimensions at Level 2?

From: Hal Finney <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 08:48:00 -0700

Paul Hughes writes:
> Tegmark talks about the inflationary space at level 2
> that is eternally, chaotically stretching, which in
> turn gives rise to symmetry breaking into a variety of
> various dimensionalities. So the question is, what is
> the number of dimensions of this inflationary space?
> Is it infinite Hilbert Space?

I think he is talking about the hypothetical 11 dimensional space
which string theory predicts. According to these models, 7 of the 11
dimensions have shrunk to unnoticeable size in our universe, leaving
the traditional 4 dimensions of time and space. The possibility is
that in other universes (other parts of the inflationary space where
inflation has stopped) different numbers of dimensions could shrink,
producing universes with more or less than 4 macroscopic dimensions.

Hal Finney
Received on Tue Apr 22 2003 - 11:49:33 PDT

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