--- John M <jamikes.domain.name.hidden> wrote:
> I kept 'reading - and quiet', "none of my business",
> but I cannot keep my
> mouse
> shut forever.
Being that I just joined this list yesterday, I would
hope you will withold judgment of my own personal take
on all things/universes until you get to know me a
little better. Let me just get this out now, since
your post demands it:
I believe that everything, dimensions, time, etc. are
all just arbitrary qualities in an infinite
multiverse, with an infinite portion of this
multiverse consisting of properties unlike anything
remotely ressembling our mutliverse/light cone. If
you read Tegmarks thesis, he is suggesting something
like this with Level 4. I don't think we've even
begun the journey of mapping out what is possible at
Level 4. I suspect EVERYTHING is possible at that or
some other meta-level.
Now, as for my post, I am simply trying to play catch
up on the current crop of Inflation theories as they
are theorized by OTHERS. In that vein I am trying to
understand this particalar line from Tegmarks article
in Sci Am:
"Such stretching is predicted by a wide class of
theories of elementary particles, and all available
evidence bears it out. The phrase "chaotic eternal"
refers to what happens on the very largest scales.
Space as a whole is stretching and will continue doing
so forever, but some regions of space stop stretching
and form distinct bubbles, like gas pockets in a loaf
of rising bread. Infinitely many such bubbles emerge.
Each is an embryonic Level I multiverse: infinite in
size and filled with matter deposited by the energy
field that drove inflation".
So it is quite clear here that Tegmark is referring to
a SPACE that is not part of our level 1 multiverse,
but a space, which when stops strething, produces a
variety of level 1 multiverse of various
So my original question, which Hal Finney is
attempting to answer, and which anyone else is welcome
to answer is:
What is the nature of this (super)SPACE that is
stretching forever? Is it an infinite dimensional
Hilbert Space, or does it have some other arbitrary
number of dimensions? Since Tegmark is using the term
'Space' this implies some kind of dimensionality. I'm
simply trying to understand the nature of this Level 2
Paul Hughes
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Received on Tue Apr 22 2003 - 19:42:52 PDT