The Riemann Zeta - Trouble opening posts

From: George Levy <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:56:38 -0700

I have had trouble opening "The Riemann Zeta Pythagorean TOE" posts. As
soon as I open the post my mail software (in Netscape) closes. I think
there is an invisible character or command associated with the subject
line, that forces the software to close.

I have also experienced the same effect on two other occasions. The
first required the word "sponsor" to be in the subject line. The second
required the "!!!" to be in the subject line. My virus software did not
detect any virus. If you continue this thread could you please erase the
subject line and retype it. This should get rid of the phantom command.

Has anyone else have the same problem?


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Received on Thu Apr 20 2006 - 13:57:46 PDT

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