Le 05-nov.-05, � 21:37, Stephen Paul King a �crit :
> ��� And it is that timelessness that I am basing my argument against
> your
> thesis! YOu are ignoring the vast number of arguments that have been
> found
> in physics and even the reasoning comming from computer science, for
> example
> the Calude et al work on the non-embeddability of quantum logic into
> classical logics. One simply can not obtain quantum logic from
> classical
> logic without adding postulates to classical logic.
You are right. The postulate I do add is the comp hyp. Then I proof
that the logic of thr true bets (observation) is given by a non boolean
quantum logic.
I ignore, methodologically, the information coming from empirical
physics, because those appearance is what I want to explain.
Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 05:00:40 PST