Re: What Computationalism is and what it is *not*

From: Hal Finney <>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 11:54:20 -0700 (PDT)

Bruno writes:
> To sum up: comp is essentially YD, if only to provide a picture of
> the first person comp indeterminacy. But CT is used to give a range
> for that indeterminacy (the UD*, the trace of the UD). It is by CT
> that the UD is really comp-universal, and it is a consequence of CT
> that this forces it to dovetail, and to dovetail on an incredibly
> redundant structures (providing non trivial relative measures). AR is
> used to just accept the notion of UD* and other infinite mathematical
> structures, and for justifying the use of the excluded middle principle.

Okay, I was mostly trying to clarify the terminology. The problem is
that sometimes you use "comp" as if it is the same as computationalism,
and sometimes it seems to include these additional concepts of the Church
Thesis and Arithmetical Realism. Maybe you should come up with a new
word for the combination of comp (aka "Yes Doctor") + CT + AR. Then you
could make it clear when you are just talking about computationalism,
and when you are including the additional concepts.

Hal Finney
Received on Sat Sep 03 2005 - 15:48:47 PDT

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