Re: Bruno's Thesis

From: Bruno Marchal <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 08:36:25 +0200

Le 12-mai-05, à 19:33, Peter D Jones a écrit :

> but physics is a subset of Platonia -- our space has 3 macroscopic
> dimensions. Platonia contains spaces of every dimensionallity.

I think it is misleading to consider physics as a subset of Platonia.
As it is misleading to consider physical evoultion as one computational
history among all comp histories. With the comp hyp, at least, physics
can be shown to have a much more deep relationship with mathematical
Platonia. Physics really emerges from the whole platonia structure, and
like you are obliged to take into account all possible path of an
electron to compute the probability that it will strikes some region on
a screen, with comp you are obliged in fine to take into account all
the topology space can take, and then also all possible fine grained
logical consistent computational histories.

An *image* which is related is that Platonia is an abstract volume and
physics is the border of that volume as seen from its interior. Physics
would be a sort of derivative of "psychology" (computer science), and
psychology would be some integral of physics. But at this stage it is
only an analogy, which could hardly be made more precise without being
much more technical. What I want to say is that the physical world is
not just a part of platonia, it is mathematically related to the global
structure of that Platonia.

Received on Fri May 13 2005 - 02:39:54 PDT

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