Re: follow-up on Holographic principle and MWI

From: danny mayes <>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 01:42:41 -0400

Russell Standish wrote:

>What I was asking is why you think "time-area" should be proportional
>to length. I can't see any reasoning as to what it should be
>proportional to.

Thanks for your interest in this. I did not make this any easier by
bungling the initial concept a little in my first post. To directly
answer your question, I am assuming space-time is a single entity, with
time representing the spatial area of the multiverse. Therefore, the
question you pose really wouldn't make sense. It would be like drawing
a square and asking why height is proportional to length. The
relationship is necessary.

Going back to all of our multiverse stacks with the cube on it, all
these stacks would equal the time-area. This is the "depth" of the cube
in the multiverse, that would allow the cube to store 10^300 bits of
information. The time area equals the cube in it's totality in the
multiverse. So why, in our universe, can we only store information
equal to the surface area? Well we know we don't have access to the
whole cube, because we are not in all of the universes that this cube
exists in. So we have to divide the cube by something to represent the
fact that we are only on one stack. The proper divisor would be the
length of the cube, because we are existing on a time-line. The
information that can be stored is limited to a single set of outcomes- a
line along the plane of the time area (a stack of pictures).

This leaves us with the Holographic principle.

Please note this is an interesting concept (to me) I am proposing
because the geometry of it makes sense when I picture it mentally. You
or others much smarter than I will have to explain why this works or
doesn't work mathematically in QM or TOR. Colin Bruce suggests in his
book that the cube volume contains multiverse information (as a
speculative ending to his book), and when I started thinking about it I
realized if you take the "multiverse block" concept seriously, and
consider time a spatial dimension through the multiverse, a cube of
space would only provide a full content of information before it was
seperated out into all of the individual outcomes as it moved through
time (or how about "multiverse space"?).

A cube of space really does hold it's volume in information. But we
have to divide by time. Particularly, the length of the time plane
because the rest of the time area has been lost to the other
outcomes/universes/stacks (or whatever allows you to conceptualize it
the best). This is speculative (obviously). I'd like to hear some
feedback, as this explains a lot (to me anyway) if the concept is right.

Danny Mayes
Received on Sun Apr 24 2005 - 01:48:14 PDT

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