Re: Lob + New Views On Mind-Body Connection

From: Jacques Bailhache <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 09:31:40 +0000

Hi Bruno,

>From: Bruno Marchal <>
>Subject: Re: Lob + New Views On Mind-Body Connection
>Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 15:46:10 +0200
>Hi Jacques,
>Nice to see you back. Actually I just discovered your message
>in the archive, I did not got them by the mail (?). Sorry for the delay.
>I quote you from the archive:
> >The axiom B(Bp->p)->Bp seems very strange to me.
>I think it *is* strange. It is at the heart of "counter-intuition" in the
>that you can derive from it (together with K = B(p->q)->(Bp->Bq) and the
>two inference rule MP and NEC) all the consequences of incompleteness.

What is the NEC rule ?

>Do you see how to derive Godel second theorem of incompleteness theorem?

I think I see how to derive Gödel theorem : if we take p=F (false) we get
B(BF->F)->BF or B(~BF)->BF. BF means that the machine is inconsistent, ~BF
that it is consistent. If C means that the machine is consistent, then
B(~BF)->BF becomes BC->~C, which means that if the consistency is provable,
then the machine is not consistent.

>Boolos gives 5 reasons to find Lob's formula, that is B(Bp->p)->Bp,
>"utterly astonishing", and he does not mention the placebo effect.
>(have you read my last paper?
> )

I had a look at it.

> >Is it applicable only to machines or also to humans ?
>It is applicable to any consistent believer in
>(classical) arithmetic, when belief are
>checkable. If you prefer the B is for
>provable, or Beweisbar (Godel).
>For any machine-like entity (with or without
>oracle) it gives even their complete
>logic of provability and consistency.
>It *is* the main axiom of G.
>(Note that there is a corresponding
>version for intuitionist arithmetic.)

It is more clear to me if B means "provable" rather than "believe".

But I wonder if the notion of provability is equivalent to the notion of
belief. Intuitively I have the impression that if I don't believe that Santa
Claus exists, then I believe that I don't believe that Santa Claus exists.
One can believe sonething without having a proof of it. If it is a checkable
belief, why not say that the machine is sure that p, rather than believes p

> >I don't believe that Santa Claus exists (~Bp).
> >If I consider the proposition "Bp->p" which
> >means "If I believe that Santa Claus exists,
> >then Santa Claus exists", this proposition
> >seems true to me, because of le
> >propositional logic rule "ex falso quodlibet
> >sequitur" or false->p : the false proposition
> >Bp implies any proposition, for example p.
> >So I can say thay I believe in the proposition
> >Bp->p : B(Bp->p). According to the lobian
> >formula B(Bp->p)->Bp, this implies Bp (I believe
> >that Santa Claus exist) !
>It is all correct .... except that you cannot
>prove (believe) your own consistency; so that
>you cannot prove that you don't believe that Santa
>Klaus does not exist. All formula beginning by ~B
>are not believable (provable) by the consistent machine.
> >More formally : The axiom ~Bp->B(~Bp)
> >seems correct to me, isn't it ? <snip>
>It seems, but not for a notion of checkable or
>verifiable belief. Any machine capable of proving
>there is a proposition she cannot prove, would
>be able to prove its consistency, and that's impossible
>by Godel II. (this follows from your "ex falso quodlibet":
>a machine proving the f, will prove all propositions, so if
>there is a proposition (like Santa Claus exists) that
>you pretend you will never believe (prove) then you
>are asserting that you prove (believe) you are consistent!.
>All right? I use "believe" instead of "prove" because
>we are following a little bit Smullyan's "Forever Undecided".

>But this suits well with the "machine psychology".
>Do you have that FU book?

I don't have this book.



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