Re: tautology

From: <>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 03:54:45 -0500 (EST)

Just come back to the list, glad we're all agreed QTI is 'bettable' (apart from Jacques?)

 ---- you wrote:
> Russell Standish wrote:
> >None of this is in defence of QTI! It merely is to show that your
> >measure argument fails - unless you happen to be a Copenhagener :)
> >
> >As I have mentioned before, in order for QTI to work, there must also be no
> >possible "cul-de-sac" branches. In Bruno's model logic, I believe this
> >would be expressed as
> >
> >\forall \alpha \in W, \models_\alpha^W \neg \Box (\Box\top \wedge \Box\bot)
> >
> >or in slightly more English notation (\top == true, \bot == false,
> >\wedge == and)
> >
> >for every world alpha in the model W, there cannot be a successor
> >world that can only access a terminal world
> >
> >where \Box p is trivially true in a terminal world, regardless of the
> >truth table of p, but \Box true and \Box false cannot both be true at
> >the same time.
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by ``\models_\alpha^W"
> But "BOX TRUE AND BOX FALSE" is indeed true in all, and only in all
> terminal worlds. (actually "BOX FALSE" is enough)
> The interesting formula to find here is a formula with one
> variable "p" which would caracterize Kripke frames with no
> terminal worlds. Solution : (BOX p -> DIAMOND p). This formula
> is verified, for all the valuation of p, iff the frame is
> ideal. There are no cul-de-sac at all.
> I agree with you that this is needed for any kind of
> ``immortality" (quantum immortality, comp immortality, etc.).
> It is highly interesting to look at it as a kind of abstract
> renormalisation.
> >In anycase, I haven't got a clue as to how one might start proving
> >this, or working out under what conditions it might hold.
> With BOX being read as the Godel's BEWEISBAR
> arithmetical provability predicate, it can be show that
> 1) (BOX p -> DIAMOND p) is true
> 2) BOX (BOX p -> DIAMOND p) is false
> Roughly put : comp immortality is a true but not provable
> statement for the self-referentially correct machine!
> (remember that true but unprovable statements are still "bettable").
> Bruno

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