Le 18-nov.-06, � 21:49, John M a �crit :
> Why do the religions (almost all of them) depict a god after the worst
> human
> characters: jealous, flatterable, requiring praise and blind
> obedience,
> vengeful, irate, picking favorites,
> even sadistic and not caring? Why does he punish for deeds done
> exactly as
> he created the sinner?
I disagree with the "(almost all of them)". True, since a long time, in
Occident, the main religions are based on such a "God", probably
because he looks like the "terrifying father", very useful to
manipulate people by fear and terror.
But this is contingent, and eventually I take that sad contingent truth
as a supplementary motivation to come back on "serious theology", by
which I mean 3-person sharable theology (even if such a theology does
talk about first person unsharable notion).
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Received on Mon Nov 20 2006 - 07:59:02 PST