Re: Numbers, Machine and Father Ted

From: Brent Meeker <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 09:44:23 -0700

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> Suppose God took Platonia, in all its richness, and made it physical. What would expect to
> experience in the next moment?
> (a) nothing
> (b) everything
> (c) something
> (a) can't be right. Although in the vast majority of universes in the next moment your head
> explodes or the laws of physics change such that your brain stops working (sorry), as long as
> there is at least one copy of you still conscious, you can expect to remain conscious.
> (b) can't be right. However many copies of you there are, you only experience being one at
> a time. Even if one of the copies is mind-melded with others, that still counts as an individual
> with more complex experiences. Moreover, it is doubtful whether an experience of everything
> simultaneously - every possible thought, including all the incoherent ones - is different to no
> experience at all, much as a page covered in ink contains no more information than a blank
> page.
> Therefore, (c) must be right. You can expect to experience something. What is it that you
> might experience, if all possibilities are actualised? What will you experience if no measure is
> defined, or all the possibilities have equal measure?

I'd expect to experience just one consistent actuallity - just like I do now when one of two possibilities in my modest universe is realized. I never find myself in a linear superposition of states and my coins never come up both heads and tails at the same time.

Brent Meeker

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Received on Thu Oct 26 2006 - 12:48:24 PDT

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