Re: R�p: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

From: Bruno Marchal <>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 16:03:24 +0200

Le 26-ao�t-06, � 22:44, Brent Meeker a �crit :

> I understand Peters objection to regarding a "mere bundle" of
> properties as existent. But I don't understand why one needs a
> propertyless
> substrate. Why not just say that some bundles of properties are
> instantiated and
> some aren't.

I guess Peter needs it for having a notion of (absolute) instantiation.
If Peter takes the relative notion of instantiation, which is number
theoretical in nature, then he would loose any motivation for his bare

> Anyway, current physical theory is that there is a material
> "substrate" which has properties, e.g. energy, spin, momentum,...

I doubt this. Yes current *interpretations* of physical theories do
suppose a material substrate, but only for having peaceful sleep (like
the collapse non-answer in QM). Anyway, the theories does not
presuppose it. They presuppose only mathematical structure and
quantitative functor between those mathematical structure and numbers
that we can measure in some communicable ways.


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Received on Sun Aug 27 2006 - 10:05:20 PDT

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