RE: Spirit, consciousness, free will and infinite nesting

From: Higgo James <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:00:49 -0000

Hold on , Jacques. The universe it quantized - there is nothing smaller
than a Planck unit. How can you have infinite nesting in a single universe?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacques Bailhache []
> Sent: 25 January 1999 10:38
> To:
> Cc:;;
> Subject: Spirit, consciousness, free will and infinite nesting
> I would like to explain further my idea according to which the spirit and
> its properties, consciousness and free will, may emerge from an infinite
> nesting of levels of material organizations and of approximative theories
> more and more precize (see
> At the first level, Descartes said : "I think, therefore I am". The
> mind-spirit is seen as a transcendental unity independent from matter.
> At first sight, I could consider my life as an interaction between what I
> am
> (my spirit) and what I am not (the matter, and other's spirit) : the
> spirit
> sends actions to the matter and the matter sends perceptions to the
> spirit.
> We could represent it like this :
> perception
> spirit1 <---------- matter1
> ---------->
> action
> But is it a determinated delimitation between the spirit and the matter ?
> Looking deeper, we discover that the brain (or more precisely a part of
> it)
> is a sort of computer at our disposal, and we perceive its thoughts, we
> are
> conscious of them. We can then say : "It thinks, and I perceive it
> thinking".
> This could be represented by
> +------------------------------+
> | perception | perception
> | spirit2 <---------- matter2 |<---------- matter1
> | ----------> | ---------->
> | action | action
> +------------------------------+
> spirit1
> Concerning free will, we could also say that it (matter2) decides, but
> this
> decision may be influed by me (spirit2).
> Perhaps we could go further and locate in the brain an area responsible of
> this introspective perception, but the consciousness still remains. We
> should perhaps say : "It thinks, it perceives it thinking and I perceive
> it
> perceiving it thinking".
> +-----------------------------------------------------+
> | +------------------------------+ |
> | | perception | perception | perception
> | | spirit3 <---------- matter3 |<---------- matter2 |<----------
> matter1
> | | ----------> | ----------> | ---------->
> | | action | action | action
> | +------------------------------+ |
> | spirit2 |
> +-----------------------------------------------------+
> spirit1
> These successive "I" (spirit1, spirit2, spirit3...) are not the same but
> nested kernels of our spirit, getting smaller and smaller but never empty,
> and my idea is that consciousness and free will may emerge from this
> infinite nesting.
> ==========================
> Jacques Bailhache
> Y2K Centre of Expertise (BRO)
> DTN: 856 ext. 7662
> Tel: +32-2 729.7662, Fax: +32-2 729.7985
> Email:
> Visit my home page :
Received on Mon Jan 25 1999 - 03:05:04 PST

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