Re: Bruno's argument

From: Bruno Marchal <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 16:24:18 +0200

Le 17-juil.-06, � 14:14, Stathis Papaioannou a �crit :

> I understand up to the point in step 7 where you explain the workings
> of the UD. You've tried explaining it again a couple of weeks ago, and
> I think it is clearer every time I look at it, but I still have some
> difficulties. I will reply to Quentin's post (which is admirably
> concise) later.

Quite fair.

> I think I have more basic difficulties also, like the Maudlin
> argument re the handling of counterfactuals for consciousness to
> occur:

It is a bit harder, no doubt. And, according to some personal basic
everything philosophy, the Maudlin argument is important of not ....

> is this requirement just to avoid saying that everything implements
> every computation?

Jacques Mallah makes that point some years ago (in this list), and I
think Hal Finney has developed that point. I think their argument are
valid. But then I don't think the Putnam-Mallah-Chalmers is really a
problem once you get the idea that the physical world emerge from the
mathematical world of computations. Personally I have never seen a
convincing argument that everything implements every computations, just
perhaps some tiny part of some computations.
I will postpone saying more on the movie-graph/Olympia type of argument
(if only to avoid to much simultaneous threads and to modulate the


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