Georges Qu�not wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > Georges Quenot wrote:
> >> a �crit :
> >>> Georges Quenot wrote:
> >>>> If you are a being that have never observed magical events
> >>>> any duplicate of you "will" never have observed any magical
> >>>> event either (otherwise you would differ and no longer be
> >>>> true duplicates).
> >>> That doesn't work the other way round. A duplicate of me up to
> >>> 16:51 GMT 20 mar 2006 could suddenly start observing them.
> >> Your duplicate will know. Not You. And he will no longer
> >> be your duplicate.
> >
> > I am, conventionally, the same person as my previous selves.
> > I have their memories.
> No. You may have lost some of them, acquired some new
> ones and still share most of them (if the previous self
> you consider is not too far in the past). In some sense,
> you are the same person and in some sense you are a
> different person.
> > My duplicate will have my memories.
> Your duplicate will have the same memories as you. This
> is not the same thing. Once your duplicate experience
> something different of what you do, his acquired (and
> possibly his lost) memories will differ from yours. He
> will still share most of your previous common memories
> but he will not know your new ones and you will not
> know his new ones. If he evenutally encoutered Harry
> Potter and you do not, whatever memories you shared
> before, you will not share these ones.
But he could be writing this posting this message
instead of me? Why isn't he ? Because his HP universe
is isolated from your universe ? What keeps it isolated.?
> > Or are you saying that I am not the same person as my
> > previous selves ?
> As I said above, in some sense, you are the same person
> and in some sense you are a different person. I feel I
> am the same person as I was 25 years ago and meanwhile
> I also feel very different. Maybe you also experienced
> something similar.
If I am the same person as my previous selves, presumably
I am the same person as my counterparts. So Mathematical
Monism *does* predict that I will witness HP universes -- in
a broad sense of "I".
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Received on Mon Mar 20 2006 - 15:23:57 PST