xxxxx program march 2006 london

From: jonni stutterer <>
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 17:49:07 +0100

xxxxx march london 2006 program::

xxxxx substance and software
xxxxx final revelations for a holographic binding OS [VALIS]
xxxxx melancholia [auto] destruction and fascism
xxxxx supreme abstraction + machinic representation
xxxxx the computational revolution in art
xxxxx contemporary monadology
xxxxx the executable's song
crash the game of life and los alamos trinity site

        xxxxx part of the node.l season. xxxxx funded by Arts Council London

xxxxx ap, Erich Berger, Ilze Black, Andy Bolus, Shu Lea Cheang,
Florian Cramer, Yves Degoyon, Aaron Dilloway, Valie Djordjevic, Kevin
Drumm, Leif Elggren, Farmers Manual, Takeshi Fumimoto, Olga Goriunova,
Graham Harwood, Russell Haswell, Florian Hecker, Stewart Home, Martin
Howse, Karl Heinz Jeron, Jason Kahn, Toshio Kajiwara, Jonathan Kemp,
David Larcher, Bruno Marchal, Aymeric Mansoux, Armin Medosch, Joachim
Montessuiss, Phill Niblock, Karl Pribram, Pure, Otto Roessler, Adriana
Sa,, Eva Verhoeven, John Wiese

0] xxxxx/KOP/PLENUM at Limehouse Town Hall Boxing Club London March
25 7pm to 7am Admission by a piece of raw (meat, fish, veggie
1] xxxxx at ICA London March 24 5pm to 11pm booking 0044 (0) 20 7930
3647 entry £15,14,13
2] xxxxx23 at Limehouse Town Hall Boxing Club London March 23 11am to
8pm pre-registration £3.33
3] xxxxx on a wire at SPACE 22nd March 8pm to 11pm entry free
4] xxxxx/ crystalpunk workshop at studio 22 22nd
March 12pm to 6pm entry free
5] Karl Pribram/WaD holographic xxxxx at SPACE 20th March 7.30pm to
10.30pm entry free
6] xxxxx A la recherche du temps perdu / In Search Of Lost Time SPACE
20th March 12pm to 6pm entry free
7] ap, Mongrel and friends at the JelliedEel MediaShed, Southend
March 18th 12pm to 11pm entry free
8] From Ripper to Stripper. A Psychogeographical walk around the City
and East End Aldgate tube station March 16th 6pm entry free

0] xxxxx/PLENUM at Limehouse Town Hall Boxing Club London March 25 7pm to 7am

Totally expanded software exercise bike supreme workout.

Call for remote and local participation of Pders and all speculative
coders no/any SC3, OSC (bitte RSVP) with five software patches or
modules being all extensible, expandable, open to any further
interpretation. All code strategies, such as the neural, audience
simulation, timeslicing, and rabbit holing welcome.

- A plenary meeting session in 12 hours, 5 acts , 2 interludes.
- Five (expanded software acts)

a KOP + xxxxx collaboration
in association with Open Congress and Boxing Club

With an aim at developing a working module for agenda setting and
self-organisation, PLENUM further explores the tension between the
individual and the group voice, the human material and machine factor,
the coming together and the falling apart, ultimately, the potential
escalation of arguments leading to the (un)avoidable crash of
self-made social units. Hopefully, a final walk out to River Thames at
sunrise would revive the drained codes and souls.

Totally Expanded Software Exercise Bike Supreme Work Out

Five (expanded?) software acts

Software is concerned with an interface which operates in two
directions - from the realm of speculative or expanded software
(aka. the social) to the reduced yet equally effective realm of
codified software and (as output, as interference, as noise) the entry
of executed results back. A repetitive return trip. A two way street.

The code here is concerned with that which can be exchanged (or mapped
over) on this interface. On the machine side that which is knowable
for the patch - time, sound as data (amplitude and thus frequency
which then opens up to statistical analysis across various domains),
and, as we will have 8 microphones distributed in the room,
space. Simulation, and code herrings push things further.

On the other side, the human, and within a narrow context the meta,
the xxxxx/PLENUM experiment attempts a simultaneous overmapping of
both realms using operatic, logical and holographic technique dressed
up in the emperor's new clothes; the expanded software script (human)
translated into machine and meta-human-machine operation.

Software is substance. Software is script; a switch comprising one
element of the meta-CPU of the world on a wire.

1] xxxxx at ICA London March 24 5pm to 11pm booking 044 (0) 207 930
3647 entry £15,14,13

The crash that dare not speak its name; the xxxxx of atomic culture
within radically externalised computation, outside the observed
system. Modulation of the message begins, frequency becomes data
carrier for an urgent transmission; of software and substance rendered
equivalent under an expansive, digital universe as idea. Viral
execution of the source code programming results in a series of events
intensely orchestrated from discourse to noise, to granular
demodulation, the slur into entropy. Hours of screenings, discourse
and performance are possibly simulated, running highly speculative
software built from multiple components and sources, varying modes of
presentation and revelation heralding a computational revolution in
art and science.

The code that comprises xxxxx is executed with reflexive data input
from Terminalbeach (Erich Berger and Pure), machinic still life and
networked cinematographix, microtonal drone god Phill Niblock, and
decadent networkers Farmers Manual. A descent into noise is vocalised
with supremely concrete performance from Joachim Montessuiss. Numerous
participants collaborate extensively within a totally unprecedented
and severely overheated lineup including Russell Haswell's and Florian
Hecker's UPIC diffusion session making use of an innovative sound
synthesis system devised by Iannis Xenakis, Takeshi Fumimoto/dieb13's
Jekyll and Hyde turntablism, and the analogue spume of Jason Kahn's
interior excess.

Sensorialist Adriana Sa and NYC sound artist Toshio Kajiwara entertain
entropic elision, proposing a joyful new world interface to sound
making. Andy Bolus reverses the terms and trajectory of this
sensor-ship with refried Dada-ist and dark Shamanistic intent. To
further burn out the mix of all worlds code end, touching the very
blind edge of simulation, of crash and post-crash and xxxxx, a crazed
trilogy of USA and H bomb-based noise artists Kevin Drumm, Aaron
Dilloway and John Wiese sear the stage with savage feedback and
neuronic mayhem. crash real.

2] xxxxx23 at Limehouse Town Hall Boxing Club London march 23 11am to
8pm pre-registration £3.33

xxxxx23 introduces a fascinating sphere of active discourse rarely
encountered in the UK, engaging with the rich consequences of expanded
software. Key thinkers include Otto Roessler, pioneering a view of the
world as interface, provide a solid conceptual background. Code art
gurus Florian Cramer and Olga Goriunova magnify contemporary unleashed
software. Art prankster Stewart Home, Graham Harwood from Mongrel and
various ap and protagonists assess an original
interface, a particular world view informed by expansive life
software. Bruno Marchal, interrogating artificial intelligence
concerns, further opens the terms of code to embrace consciousness and
the universe, as the switched entry into noise is processed with input
from exploratory artist Shu Lea Cheang [PLENUM insertion with Ilze
Black and Armin Medosch]. Spectacular interruptions from renowned
mystical sound artist Leif Elggren and Yves Degoyon's self-destructive
commandline further a data driven collision of theory and practise.

3] xxxxx on a wire at SPACE 22nd March 8pm to 11pm entry free

#N canvas 0 0 323 172 10;
#X text 202 123;
#X msg 120 31 node.l ->;
#X obj 175 139 print;
#X msg 279 153 world_on_a_wire ->;
#X msg 222 108 ap ->;
#X msg 167 104 pd ->;
#X msg 148 82 osc ->;
#X msg 126 55 xxxxx ->;
#X connect 1 0 2 0;
#X connect 3 0 2 0;
#X connect 4 0 2 0;
#X connect 5 0 2 0;
#X connect 6 0 2 0;
#X connect 7 0 2 0;

open call for no fee/free play OSC/Pd/ap on a wire participants for
collaborative open air performance

Welt am Draht projection

RSVP/submit protocols/working plans to

confirmed participants: ap, Alejo Duque, Yves Degoyon, Alejandra
Perez Nuñez, Eleonora Oreggia

4] xxxxx crystalpunk workshop at studio 22 22nd March 12pm to 6pm entry free

Crystalpunk is a rally cry for people to come together and start
making all sorts of weird things, things slightly of kilter that need
a crystalpunk to have its delights appreciated, things that are
radical but hurt nobody.

Other people, professionals, are making things too. In art, in
architecture, in computer science, in biology, crystalpunks want to
share in their excitement, often feeling it more than they do, but
understanding it through reverie not formalism.

At we have been thinking about gargoyle computation
[rococo automated search & gargoylisation not optimisation], software
as a crystal ball [cellular automata as discrete little worlds that
hide complex operations creating universe to be discovered by its
users], pattern formation [put your fingers on your closed eyelids &
press gently], non conventional computing [molecule based & sea
based], unintentional intelligence [the wildtype adaptivism of
BacterioPoetics]. Somewhere in the middle we started writing a
chain-reaction automaton: on the GUI a Grid, inside it rectangles are
activated to rotate one step, activating others to rotate one step of
4 on close contact. The crystalpunk can interact with it: creating
patterns, signalling it and monitoring its output. But the rules that
guide its movement are mind boggling gargoyly. Can it Compute? Can it
loop forever? These and many other questions are to be explored during
this workshop.

The script we have made is a sloppy bit of Python code and in this
workshop we invite you to make thing [fractalline patterns, logic
gates, literature, self-destructing embroidery forms] on top of it.

Please bring your computer if you have one.

The script can be downloaded in the week of the workshop from:

Download Python:

produced by

5] holographic xxxxx at SPACE 20th March 7.30pm to 10.30pm entry free

Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram investigates the Spectral Holographic
Domain: in Brain, Navigation and the Universe.

Karl Pribram is the leading exponent of a holonomic theory of the
human brain backed up by hefty experimental research. All parts
contain the story of the whole, with the term holonomic referring to
a dynamic or changing hologram.

A hologram is a total writing of a scene, a completely realistic
three-dimensional representation. Every part of the hologram contains
information about the whole; cut up a hologram into small pieces and
the original image remains visible, all of the information is intact;
the window on the world is solely reduced.

Holography presents a transformation from the spatial into the
frequency domain such as is enacted by the Fourier transform formula;
holocaustic mathematics enabled by Leibniz' prime transformational
tool, the discretising integral of Gravity's Rainbow.

In the reverse direction, Light is in the frequency or holographic
domain. An inverse Fourier transform is enacted by a lens which can
focus a beam of light, converting the frequency nature of the
information into a spatial image:

Remove the converging lens in a slide projector that forms the image.
Place a slide in the projector and project the light onto a screen.
No image will form. Technically, the light incident on the screen is
in a holographic form. Each point on the screen is receiving
information from every point from the slide. If a converging lens is
placed at a location between the screen and the slide projector an
image can be formed on the screen. The lens can now be moved to new
locations in a plane cutting through the light path to the screen and
in each case a complete image is formed (Taylor, 1978).

The consequences of such domain transforms within the context of
consciousness are extreme. xxxxx pairs Karl Pribram's lecture with a
rare screening of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's sci-fi magnum opus Welt
am Draht.

A world where one is able to make projections of people with a
computer. And of course that leads to the uncertainty of whether
someone is himself a projection, since in this virtual world the
projections resemble reality. Perhaps another larger world made us a
virtual one? In this sense it deals with an old philosophical model,
which here takes on a certain horror (RWF)

Transformations enacted by both the lens of Pribram and of Fassbinder
open up the total consequences of the universe as hologram under a
rereading of the instantaneous communication of totally distant
subatomic particles. Holographic theory presents a radical view of
reality which well connects with monadology and computation, with a
stress on the framing of perception, the question of which
abstraction or domain we inter information within.

6] xxxxx A la recherche du temps perdu / In Search Of Lost Time SPACE
20th March 12pm to 6pm entry free

- taken literally
- presented using information technology.

A performance by Karl Heinz Jeron and Valie Djordjevic

For a long time I would to go to bed early. Sometimes, the candle
barely out, my eyes closed so quickly that I did not have the time to
tell myself: I'm falling asleep. Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time

The performance A la recherche du temps perdu takes the code
literally. We are reading the machine-code version of Marcel Proust's
novel. During the eight hours of a working day the human performers
are playing computer. From the analog to the digital and back again:
The sequence of events of the performance is described in this
manual. Starting from the ASCII-Version of Marcel Proust's novel A la
recherche du temps perdu it is then re-coded into its underlying zeros
and ones and then read by two performers alternately (one is reading
the zeros, the other one the ones). The third person is CPU (the
Central Processing Unit): She interprets the zeros and ones with the
aid of an ASCII allocation table, cuts out the corresponding letter
from the prepared sheets and turns it over to Display, who sticks it
onto the wall panel. After eight hours of performance about 250
characters can be processed. During the act of reading, interpreting
and presenting the work of art emerges, posing questions about the
nature of the digital and the analogue, of work and art, time and

False (Zero): James Smith
True (One): Valie Djordjevic
CPU: Karl Heinz Jeron
Display: Elvina Flower

7] ap, Mongrel and friends at the JelliedEel MediaShed, Southend
March 18th 12pm to 11pm entry free

Free software isn't just about open applications, it's about exposed
and extruded code, and a modular, highly constructivist approach to
data; environmental code, physical code, tangible code. Code is
data. Data is code. Code bends data. Noise to signal ratio over signal
to noise.

As part of the xxxxx series of exploratory events ap, Mongrel and
friends present an experimental one day workshop and evening
performance event examining varying approaches to data bending and
free software noise.

ap, forcing the extension of free software exposure in the wilderness
of computational destruction, will examine base approaches to
commandline tools such as cat, split and dd in relation to raw OS
nature. After a brief introduction to their work, including abstract
computation in the Californian desert, workshop participants can
explore virtual machine tools created by ap including ap0202 and
self. Piping data, shifting data, bending data means connectivity as
we explore connections in the Unix world and beyond, introducing the
highly versatile Pd (Pure Data) environment.

Code and network artist and co-founder of Goto10, Aymeric Mansoux
picks up the Pd ball and runs with it, introducing a very physical
dimension which will be further explored in his evening performance;
data needs a real carrier, in this instance voltage. Voltage is
readily transformed into sound by way of amplifier and
loudspeaker. The concrete relation is clear, simple and
beautiful. Noise.

ap, Aymeric, noise luminaries and physical coders from the UK free
software art scene lead the workshop into an evening of free
noise. Again the physical, again the real. The (new) medium surely
isn't the message. Abhorrent concrete noise cancels out the signal to
achieve only exposed systematics. Crash JelliedEel.

8] From Ripper to Stripper. A Psychogeographical walk around the City
and East End. Meet Aldgate tube station March 16th 6pm entry free

Stewart Home remaps the 1960s London 'nude murders' attributed to the
uncaught Jack The Stripper, onto an earlier series of sex killings of
prostitutes, the Victorian Jack The Ripper murders. Since the
locations at which the bodies were found (and these are not in all
instances the actual murder sites) have change dramatically since the
killings, it seems reasonable to treat the sites of one series of
murders as belonging to the other. This is about historical resonance
and the difficulties of physically revisiting the past, rather than
historical accuracy.


0] Limehouse Town Hall Boxing Club

Limehouse Town Hall, 646 Commercial Road, London E14 7HA

1] ICA

Institute of Contemporary Arts, The Mall, London, SW1Y 5AH.


129-131 Mare Street, Hackney, London E8 3RH

3] studio 22

Studio 22, 38-40 Upper Clapton Rd, London E5 8BQ

4] Aldgate tube


0044(0) 208 806 0226

apologies for necessary xposts

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