Re: belief, faith, truth

From: <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:50:55 -0500

Tom wrote:
>....what are we left with?�

To make my point more plain, I will give my own answer to this
question. If we abandon a belief in truth, or if we totally separate
truth from our lives, then what are we left with? We are left devoid
of meaning in our lives. We would end up with something like, "I as a
person, do not exist, for putting such a label as "person" on me would
be persumptuous of having a corner on truth, and I don't believe in
truth. Instead, I just aimlessly float, like an undefined point, from
one observer-moment to the next, and randomly bounce off my
surroundings. Since I don't have any beliefs that I hold onto for more
than one observer-moment at a time (since I am not a person), then
anything can change my mind. In fact, this implies (for I wouldn't
dare assume it) that my mind doesn't not exist. There are only
particulars. Therefore, why am I even thinking or talking? I am lost.
  But this doesn't matter because I don't exist as a person and so I
have nothing to lose. I am not making sense."

Received on Mon Jan 30 2006 - 12:26:07 PST

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