Re: Paper+Exercises+Naming Issue

From: John M <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 08:56:35 -0800 (PST)

Thanks, Bruno,

your brief added last par is of great help. I would
NEVER mix provability and probability, I am not
Spanish (b=v?) and think in semantical rather than
formal meanings. I wish I knew what is a "modal logic"
(G and G*) and am a bit perplexed of your (??) logic
defining G* as beeing 'something or not'. (Like: "F"
is =,<, or >, of "B")- Then again "true" may not
exist, indeed. (1st pers?)
Similarly it does not help me, if I get a lot of other
'names' for something I don't know what it is to begin
with. I like WORDS.
(I also like word-puzzles, but only solvable ones in
my domains).
I glanced over the Stanford blurb and found exciting
titles. When clicked, they overpoured me with
equational lettering and I had no idea about their
meaning. Even if I had a vocabulary of those letters,
it is practically (humanly) impossible to "read" a
and follow those equations by looking up every letter
for the meaning and content (with, of course clicking
after all the connotations galore). Besides it is
full of signs I cannot even read out and have nothing
similar on my keyboard (maybe they are in some hidden
modes as are the French accents).
As a comparison: here is a description of a statement
from my old profession about something I did:
"when mixing the DVB and St in a DBP catalysed 1:3
it exotherms and has to be temp-controled. At
reaction-startup I added the DEB and then dispersed
the mix in an aqueous medium with PVA stabilizer. The
beads were then WV-boiled off and filtered.
They showed a controllable macroporous structure with
large sp. surface internally for adsorptive sites.
Then came the transform by polymeranalogous reactions
to introduce polar or ionic sites."

And so on. It made perfect sense in my profession.
(Never mind)
No modal or out of modal logic, no 'ABC... with signs'
How does the "provability" (no b) jibe with Poppers
scientific 'unprovability'? Is falsifiability =

Bruno, I like what you SAY, I like YOUR logic, not
somebody else's. I don't want to 'give up' on you
because of a system so strange to me. I am 'fishing'
for word-hooks in your writings. In 1940 I took
philosophy (to major chemistry) and sociology. I
should have taken logic instead of the Br. of
Of course it would have been of little use now, 65
years later.
With friendship


--- Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

> Hi John,
> To search informations on the net on G and G*, it is
> easier to search
> on "logic of provability".
> G is also called KW, KW4, L, GL, PRL in other papers
> or book.
> G* is also called G', PRL^omega, GLS
> The Stanford entry is rather good:
> In brief words G is a modal logic which describes
> what a classical
> theory or machine can prove about its own
> provability abilities. And G*
> is a modal logic which describes what is true
> (provable or not by the
> machine) about its own provability abilities.
> Don't confuse "provability" with "probability".
> Careful when typing
> because the "b" and the "v" are close on the
> keyboard!
> Bruno
> Le 29-d�c.-05, � 00:48, John M a �crit :
> > Bruno, could you include some BRIEF words for the
> > profanum vulgus about that ominous "G - G*" magic
> as
> > well? I searched Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, but
> could
> > not find any reasonable hint.
> > You and other savants on the list apply this
> magic
> > many times always. Am I the only one who missed
> that
> > in grammar school?
> >
> > John
> >>
> >
> >
Received on Thu Dec 29 2005 - 12:00:53 PST

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