Re: Quantum Immortality and Information Flow

From: Bruno Marchal <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 16:54:22 +0100

Le 11-déc.-05, à 11:58, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit :

> You find yourself alone in a room with a light that alternates
> red/green with a period of one minute. A letter in the room informs
> you that every other minute, 10^100 copies of you are created and run
> in parallel for one minute, then shut down. The transition between the
> two states (low measure/ high measure) corresponds with the change in
> the colour of the light, and you task is to guess which colour
> corresponds to which state.
> The problem is, whether the light is red or green, you could argue
> that you are vastly more likely to be sampled from the 10^100 group.
> You might decide to say that *both* red and green correspond to the
> larger group, because if you say this 10^100 copies in the multiverse
> will be correct and only one copy will be wrong. But clearly, this
> tyranny of the majority strategy brings you no closer to the truth. If
> you tossed a coin, at least you would have a 1/2 chance of being
> right.

Yes but this is due to the "shut down". (if I got correctly your
experiment).The probabilities can be taken only on the stories without
dead-ends, and I guess you consider the shut down as sort of "absolute
I know this is hard to believe, but apparently we are "conscious" only
because we belong to a continuum of infinite never ending stories ...

I don't believe this, but then that's what the lobian machine's
"guardian angel" G* says about that: true and strictly unbelievable.

Do you accept that your argument won't go through if the shut down are

Received on Mon Dec 12 2005 - 12:14:43 PST

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