Le 11-nov.-05, � 20:42, GottferDamnt a �crit :
> Hi,
> Bruno Marchal a �crit :
>> I have also a problem with the expression "staying in the same
>> branche": you always split or differentiate on 2^aleph_0 branches. Do
>> you mean branches looking the same from the first person perspective?
> Yes, I mean looking the same event (a finished ensemble of instants)
> forever from the first person perspective. Nevertheless I think the
> probability, that a possible event happens, increase with the course
> of time. On an infinite time (a point of view of an immortal person),
> could this possibility become a necessity?
I guess so.
> Then, can we bring to mind an eternal return of a same event from the
> 1st person perspective)?
Sort of transcendental d�j�-vu? Who knows?
(open problem for the modal relevant systems).
Received on Sat Nov 12 2005 - 09:57:20 PST