I am entertained by the discussion with John Ross, and can think of
more entertaining questions for him (such as how about travelling by
firing a neutrino gun at objects that you want to travel to? sorry I
couldn't help it), but I believe it is off topic.
Tom Caylor
-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Mazer <lasermazer.domain.name.hidden>
To: jross.domain.name.hidden; everything-list.domain.name.hidden.com
Sent: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 13:55:43 -0400
Subject: RE: Neutrino shield idea
John Ross wrote:�
>Another solution is for you to ignore my comments, or maybe me yours.�
This isn't just about me personally not being interested in your posts,
it's about the discussion of your "alternative physics" ideas being
*off-topic* on this list, just as much so if you came here and started
a discussion about politics or your favorite TV shows.�
But if the rest of the list members disagree with me I'll go with
whatever the consensus is...how about a poll, who here thinks that the
discussion of John Ross' theory is off-topic here, and who thinks it's
on-topic? (regardless of whether or not you personally find John Ross'
ideas to be of interest)�
Received on Tue Oct 11 2005 - 14:24:12 PDT
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