RE: Neutrino shield idea

From: Jesse Mazer <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 18:21:28 -0400

John Ross:

>Thanks for the response.
>Yes my theory involves a lot of math. Have you read my patent
>application? For example, I have a quantitative description of Coulomb
>forces acting inside photons. These integrated forces represent the
>photon's energy.

Do these equations allow you to predict quantitative results of experiments
that have already been done, or are you just using math to describe new
phenomena (like 'Coulomb forces acting inside photons') that have no current
experimental correlate? For your theory to be taken seriously, you have to
be able to reproduce successful predictions made by earlier theories
(ideally, all the successful predictions made by the standard model of
quantum physics, and by general relativity in the domain of gravity), and
also make predictions about new phenomena which can be tested

>Somehow I lost your pushing gravity thought and your reference to
>Feynman. Could you re-send me the e-mail that included those thoughts.

There's an archived copy at --the
message includes a link to a wikipedia article which has a list of
critisisms of "push gravity", as well as that long quote by Feynman I

Anyway, as Russell Standish said to you earlier in the message at ,
this list is not really for discussing alternative physics theories, the
"theory of everything" title refers not to a unified theory of physics but
to the idea that all possible universes (or all possible conscious
experiences, maybe) exist, and some hope to derive an explanation for why we
see the laws of physics that we do from this sort of assumption. See Max
Tegmark's multiverse page at for more background. You
might want to try submitting your ideas to the "independent research"
subforum of, located at , there are a lot of
knowledgeable people there.

Received on Mon Oct 10 2005 - 18:24:33 PDT

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