Re: subjective reality

From: Quentin Anciaux <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 17:15:47 +0200

Hi, I apologize if I misunderstood your differents posts here as I'm not an
english native but I find very insulting your way to "discuss" with people...

Either you have an argument to the YD hypothesis, either you haven't... stop
turning around the hole...

Le Vendredi 19 Ao�t 2005 16:44, a �crit�:
> Hi Hal,
> From what you say below I am not able to determine whether your model
> is identical or
> distinct from Bruno's in the only point that I am interested in so let
> me ask you:
> Is your model falsified if YD is false or can you still "dance" if
> that is the case?
> I am asking because unfalsifiable models turn out to be a lot less
> interesting than
> falsifiable ones as I am sure you understand....
> Best regards,
> Godfrey Kurtz
> (New Brunswick, NJ)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hal Ruhl <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 17:34:48 -0400
> Subject: Re: subjective reality
> With regard to YD I have proposed in other posts that our universe
> consists of a set of discrete points that are when in their neutral
> locations arranged on a face centered cubic grid. Each point is
> confined to a region of discrete locations that surround its neutral
> location in the grid. I like this grid because its symmetries appear to
> allow a set of first order oscillations of the points within their
> regions in a unit cell consisting of 12 points around one with all
> triples being on straight lines that pass through the central point to
> represent the basic particles of the Standard Model. I call such
> oscillations a [small] dance. A [small] dance can move through the grid
> but individual points can not. Larger dances (such as a SAS) consist of
> semi "stable" associations of nearby [small] dances.
> The entire grid [universe] changes state when a point in a region
> asynchronously polls its 12 neighbors and assumes a new location in its
> region based on the results. It is a type of Cellular Automaton [CA].
> At this level TD seems straight forward since there is no change at
> all.
> The approach is compatible with CT since some CA are capable of
> universal computation and the universe it models can contain SAS [the
> "done effectively" part] since large dances can be self interactive.
> The other things that are in my model which is derived from my "is"
> "is not" definitional approach is that the imbedding system:
> 1) Is one in which all possible states of all universes preexist
> [multi world and the model's link to AR],
> 2) Is randomly dynamic in terms of which states have instantations of
> reality [noise in the flow of reality] (a nice explanation of the
> accelerating expansion of our universe [additional points as part of
> the noise] recently observed),
> 3) In the dynamic, adjacent states can have instantations of reality
> that overlap [the flow of consciousness].
> In the end then I must say that it seems my model contains comp.
> I indicated to Bruno some time ago that I thought we were to some
> degree convergent.
> Hal Ruhl
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Received on Fri Aug 19 2005 - 11:21:21 PDT

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