Re: The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"

From: James N Rose <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 20:07:00 -0700

chris peck wrote:

> >>[c^2] is exactly an expression of the presence of 2 temporal dimensions
> >>orthogonally configured, >>computing against a sheet region not a linear
> >>one. [Rose(c)1995].
> What then would it mean for two events to occur in temporally perpendicular
> directions?

similar to what it means for there to be a real value "square root of -1"

or for an object to move in two or more orthogonal spacial directions
'at the same time' ; in some reimann transform or other, all linear
motions can be figured as and only as a mono-dimensional motion.

> Regards
> Chris.
Received on Mon Jul 18 2005 - 23:08:15 PDT

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