Re: regarding QM and infinite universes

From: Danny Mayes <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 01:02:37 -0400

> So far, no-one has been able to tell me what happens to the
> probability of bizarre quantum events occurring as t->infinity in a
> finite, eternally expanding universe, which incidentally seems more
> likely than the Tipler scenario.
> Stathis Papaioannou

I think there are many things that never happen in even an infinite
universe, for reasons that are hard to put into words, and certainly not
expressable in terms of math. For instance, I do not believe there will
ever exist, anywhere in the multiverse, a reality in which Osama Bin
Laden is elected president of the United States in 2004, and is carried
into the White House on the shoulders of a boisterous, enthusiatic
public. QM does not overtake other physical laws, including difficult
to define laws of psychology. A computer could simulate such an event
without granting the actors in the simulation consciousness, but for it
to actually happen in a universe in which the participants were
conscious actors on the stage of reality, such an event would require
countless millions of people to not only do something totally illogical,
but vehemently against everything they would wish for or desire.

I assume if the probability of bizarre quantum events descreases at all
over time, then these events may never occur even given infinity? Why
should the probability of these events change? Is it based on a theory
that the laws of physics are not constant, or they are only local?

Also, I assume that if you accept the MWI, regardless of whether "our
universe" is expanding forever, you accept there are countless universes
(or better described as countless permutations of "our universe") that
appear identical to us right now, that will actually contract into a big
crunch, making the issue of whether any one particular universe is going
to expand forever or collapse pointless?

Danny Mayes
Received on Tue Jul 27 2004 - 01:10:23 PDT

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