Re: Are we simulated by some massive computer?

From: Eric Hawthorne <>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 10:06:30 -0700

What Jesse and Saibal write is the key, I think. While all successor
states are possible,
only very few are "experiencable and memorable by a coherent brain
(computer) and mind
(software decision path in your brain).

I think that the only factor that makes these "anything can happen/is
happening" theories plausible
at all is that all but a vanishingly small number or successor states

The argument runs like this. To make everything come out so that
everything seems consistent,
and mutually consistent, for one or, in our case, a large group of,
observers, the states and behaviours
of an inconceivably vast number of different particles/waves has to be
just so, or the whole
shebang just falls apart. There are close to zero such large-scale
coherent states (or state-succession
paths, if you will.) There may nearly be just one such coherent
state-succession path.

Another way of putting this is that the number and type of
future-outcome-factors that don't matter
to the ability of the whole pattern to remain coherent is relatively
very, very small. Perhaps the different
ways in which a quantum state of some photon can come out into a
classical state when observed
are amongst the factors that "don't matter" to the ability of our
universe to continue coherent (i.e. observable)
but the probabilities of those different outcomes for the photon DO
matter to the coherence of our
universe, and the very fact that the photon's quantum state does
collapse into one classical state for us when
we observe it is a result of us being able to observe only a single path
that is consistent with our and our universe's
continued overall coherence. A property of the coherent, observable path
through the plenitude is that
quantum states MUST choose a single state, for observers inside that
coherent observable state-evolution-path.

Or something.
Received on Sun Apr 25 2004 - 13:12:38 PDT

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