RE: A moderated everything-list substitute (was: Re: Provably exponential time algorithms)

From: Bruno Marchal <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 12:03:11 +0100

At 18:14 -0500 3/01/2003, Ben Goertzel wrote:
>In my opinion, this list is not in particular need of moderation.

I agree. I like very much its unnamed self-moderation standard.

At 10:00 +1100 6/01/2003, Russell Standish wrote:
>Another problem with moderation is how to decide the criteria for
>moderation. The FOR list (which is a moderated list covering a similar
>range of topics) has a mandate to be accessible to the layperson,
>which is interpreted by the moderator as "No mathematics allowed".

And no meta-discussion, like this one. I have nothing
against moderation, once the criteria are clear. But
I do think moderation would not been useful for our type of discussion.

At 10:00 +1100 6/01/2003, Wei Dai wrote:
> > Perhaps instead of creating a seperate moderated list, someone can offer
>> the service of selecting high quality posts from this list and reposting
>> it - a "best of everything" list. This may serve people who find this list
>> too high volume. The authors of the papers cited in the original
>> invitation, Bostrom, Schmidhuber, and Tegmark, all subscribe to the list
> > but probably no longer follow it closely because of the volume.

Each one can make selections or travel guides in the everything archive.
Because our interest scan a large spectrum, such selection will be
personal and reflect personal interest. I don't think a best-of would have
a general meaning. Now I do thing the escribe archive could be enhanced.
Actually it was better at the beginning because it was possible to search
with the "author's name". But I guess the big volume makes the handling
of the info rather difficult. Perhaps Wei Dai could tell us why the list of
author has disappeared?

At 20:52 -0500 5/01/2003, John M wrote:

>I hope to have fun with this list in the future and wish us all the best.

Thank you John,

Received on Mon Jan 06 2003 - 06:04:06 PST

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