Re: Quantum Time Travel

From: <>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 17:41:12 EST

Quantum time travel is very similar to Quantum suicide.

Here is the recipe:

Build a conditional suicide machine that instantly kills the user unless a
particular set of conditions in the environment is satisfied. With
"conventional" quantum suicide these conditions could be a winning lottery
ticket for example. With time travel suicide, these conditions would be that
prespecified factors in the environment should match the past to which we
would like to travel to. How do we prespecify these factors? By entering them
into the machine computer data base, either from memory or from an existing
record (movie, audio.....). The more accurate the database in depicting the
past, the closer you'll get to the desired world. Of course your
recording/memory is subject to Heisenberg uncertainty limit and therefore,
the past you'll get to will be slightly different from the one you come
from...but since the past you come from is also subject to Heisenberg
limit... it doesn't matter.

Just as the Quantum suicide machine, the Quantum time travel machine would
have to be supremely reliable. It's failure rate would have to be orders of
magnitude less then the likelihood that the part of the universe that has
been recorded in the machine database matches the recorded data. But of
course this is just a problem for the engineers to worry about. :-) And if
you not really careful, you may end up in a future Hollywood movie, 21st
Century-Park, reenacting our time period and directed by a successor to
Steven Speilberg.

George Levy
Received on Sat Feb 19 2000 - 14:44:26 PST

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