Re: Bayes Destroyed?

From: marc.geddes <>
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 00:03:55 -0700 (PDT)

On Aug 29, 6:50�pm, Brent Meeker <> wrote:
> marc.geddes wrote:

> > Ok, probablistic/axiomatic, none of it works without the correct
> > priors, which Bayes can't produce. �
> Bayes explicitly doesn't pretend to produce priors - although some have
> invented ways of producing priors with minimum presumption (e.g. Jaynes
> maximum entropy priors). �Analogical reasoning doesn't produce priors
> either and it can produce false conclusions too.

Actually, I think that's exactly what analogical reasoning *does* do
(analogies can produce priors by biasing thoughts in the right
direction by viewing reality through the 'lens' of categories -see
above, analogy is categorization),

> > I do. �I think Bayes is just a special case of analogical reasoning ;)
> Then you can say analogical reasoning is just a special case of
> reasoning. �Which then proves that reasoning is more fundamental than
> analogical reasoning. �Then will you claim to have destroyed analogical
> reasoning. ??
> Brent-

No, I think the buck stops with analogical reasoning, since no form of
reasoning is more powerful. Analogical reasoning can produce priors
and handle knowledge representation (via categorization), Bayes can't.
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Received on Sat Aug 29 2009 - 00:03:55 PDT

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