Information entropy of physical fundamental constants

From: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 15:04:01 -0700 (PDT)

SBJ: Information entropy of physical fundamental constants

The fundamental constant can be measured increasingly accurate, it
does not seem (for me) that the repetitive pattern of rational
numbers after some number of digits may take place; if it is the case
then there is not enough "room" in the universe / multiverse to
accommodate such information as exact representation of fundamental
constant - just in principle, there is no way to have it exact as
there is no way to write down an exact arbitrary irrational number and
it is not a technical limitation it is a fundamental limitation unless
it may be represented as a rational number ;o). Information Entropy
can be measured as an average number of bits per symbol/digit encoded
by rank-0 context model + entropy encoder (let say arithmetic
encoder). Therefore, there are two distinct possibilities: entropy
equals zero or Log2(10) (for decimal representation) or simply: ZERO
or NON-ZERO. I have my ideas how NON-ZERO case may workout but I'm
interested to listen others opinions.


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Received on Thu Jul 23 2009 - 15:04:01 PDT

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