Re: Everything is Just a Memory

From: Marchal <>
Date: Mon Jan 17 03:49:58 2000

I comment Hal's and Fritz's recent posts: wrote:

>Marchal <> writes:
>> There is a widespread confusion between two kind of idealism.
>> 1) There is solipsism, sometimes called "subjective idealism". It is
>> (as James Higgo said) the doctrine that I am dreaming, that I am the only
>> builder of reality, and all other people are just zombie.
>> This is a ridiculous doctrine, although it can be used to illustrate
>> some philophical point, like the concept of zombie.
>> It is a ridiculous doctrine, because a doctrine is something you
>> communicate, and why should someone try to communicate things to
>> zombie. So solipsisme (like some strong form of positivism) is
>> self-defeating.
>I don't agree that this is a ridiculous doctrine, or that a believer in
>solipsism should not communicate.
>A solipsist may communicate with others, even if he believes they are
>not conscious, in order to get information and ideas. In his model of
>the world, certain information comes to him only through interaction
>with the outside. If he is to work out his ideas in fullness, he can
>best do so by interacting with the outside world. This may involve
>bouncing ideas off of other people, and even trying to persuade them,
>in order to test the quality of his ideas.
>It is like a believer in more conventional philosophies who finds it
>useful to write his ideas down on paper (or on a computer), in order to
>clarify them and look for problems and new approaches. He doesn't think
>the paper or computer is conscious, but this method of interacting with
>the outside world can still be productive.
>The real problem with solipsism, IMO, is that it fails to predict or
>explain why the world is the way it is. Fine, I'm dreaming. Why?
>Why am I dreaming that I live in a lawful universe? And why do I have
>dreams within the dream, and those dreams are not of a lawful universe?
>None of this is explained.
>Contrast this with other approaches to philosophy, such as the all-
>universes models we have been discussing. These approaches have the
>potential to truly explain why the universe is lawful, and why we see
>things in roughly the way they are. It might even turn out that our
>very universe is, by some measures, the most probable one to exist.
>We don't know for sure that things will work out this way, but at
>least the potential is there. This makes it a very productive avenue
>to explore. It is hard to see how solipsism could begin to provide this
>kind of explanation.

I agree. Although I would not call something a "communication" if
it is not intended to someone. But that is a question
of mere definition. I also believe that solipsism has weak power
of explanation.

When you say:

>Contrast this with other approaches to philosophy, such as the all-
>universes models we have been discussing. These approaches have the
>potential to truly explain why the universe is lawful, and why we see
>things in roughly the way they are. It might even turn out that our
>very universe is, by some measures, the most probable one to exist.

I agree a lot. Of course I belief more in a all computations (or number
theoretical truth ...) doctrine. I'm not sure that an expression like
universe" will not lead to some form of cosmo-solipsism (the doctrine that
other universe cannot exist).

Fritz wrote:

>I totally agree with Hal here. I don't believe it's a ridiculous doctrine
>either, for exactly the reasons pointed out above.

If you believe the 'single moment' is yours, and that I'm not conscious,
then I think the original Russel's fear was founded.

Sorry, but I don't feel like I am a zombie.

>My answer to you is that it is simpler for the laws of physics to directly
>control what you "dream" about than for the laws of physics to control a
>universe, which feeds you inputs, which forms what you dream about. Things
>are always simpler without a 3rd party intermediary. So, conventional
>science is definitely a productive anvenue to explore, because it explains
>the laws of our "dream". As for MWI, I am not a true solipsist because I
>believe that all possible dreams exist in the plentitude. For this reason,
>everyone I know is a zombie in my dream, but in all of reality, they are
>not, because the dream that would correspond to their reality does exist,
>even though it does not interact with mine.

OK. Then again you are very near the doctrine I derived for comp.
The nice thing with comp is that it gives logical reason why the dreams
does interact or interfere.
The phenomenology of physical modalities comes from
these interactions. The physical is what makes the dreams sharable.

Received on Mon Jan 17 2000 - 03:49:58 PST

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