RE: children and measure

From: Jesse Mazer <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 14:38:40 -0500

> 2009/2/11 Quentin Anciaux>
> Because the point is to know from a 1st person perspective that it exists a "next subjective moment"... if there is, QI holds. Even if in the majority of "universes" I'm dead... from 1st perspective I cannot "be dead" hence the only moments that count is where I exists however small the measure of that moment is... and if at any momemts there exists a successor where I exists then QI holds.

But any notion of there being objective truths about what happens from the "1st person perspective", as opposed to just 3rd person truths about what various brains *report* experiencing, gets into philosophical assumptions that really need to made explicit or else people are talking at cross-purposes...this is what I was getting at with my post at
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Received on Wed Feb 11 2009 - 15:05:16 PST

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