Re: Mathematical methods for the discrete space-time.

From: Torgny Tholerus <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 16:30:11 +0100

Jason Resch skrev:
> I am not sure how related this is to what you ask in your original
> post, but as for a model (and candidate TOE) of physics which is
> discrete, there is a theory known as Hiem Theory
> ( ) which posits there are
> six discrete dimensions. Interestingly, the theory is able to predict
> the masses of many subatomic particles entirely from some force
> constants, something which even the standard model is unable to explain.

I have now looked at Heim Theory, but it does not look enough serious to
me. Every theory that compute the masses of the elementary particles
from nothing, must be wrong. Because in different possible universa the
masses of the elementary particles are different. Besides, the Heim
Theory could not explain the quarks.

But from the Heim Theory article I followed a link to "Difference
operator" ( ), and that
article was much more interesting, because there you could find the
extended Leibniz rule.

And from that article I found a link to "Umbral calculus" ( ), that look like exactly
what I am looking for. The Umbral calculus seems to be a good candidate
for a tool for handling discrete space-time!

Torgny Tholerus
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Received on Mon Nov 24 2008 - 10:26:30 PST

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