Re: MGA 1

From: Stathis Papaioannou <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 21:21:32 +1100

2008/11/22 Jason Resch <>:

> What you described sounds very similar to a split brain patient I saw on a
> documentary. He was able to respond to images presented to one eye, and
> ended up drawing them with a hand controlled by the other hemisphere, yet he
> had no idea why he drew that image when asked. The problem may not be that
> he isn't experiencing the visualization, but that the part of his brain that
> is responsible for speech is disconnected from the part of his brain that
> can see.
> See:

This differs from the Lucky Alice example in that the split brain
patient notices that something is wrong, for the reason you give:
speech and vision are processed in different hemispheres. Another
interesting neurological example to consider is Anton's Syndrome, a
condition where people with lesions in their occipital cortex
rendering them blind don't seem to notice that they're blind. They
confabulate when they are asked to describe something put in front of
them and make up excuses when they walk into things. One can imagine a
kind of zombie vision if one of these patients were supplied with an
electronic device that sends them messages about their environment:
they would behave as if they can see as well as believe that they can
see, even though they lack any visual experiences. It should be noted,
however, that Anton's syndrome is a specific organic delusional
disorder, where a patient's cognition is affected in addition to the
perceptual loss, not just as a result of the perceptual loss. Blind or
deaf people who aren't delusional know they are blind or deaf.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Received on Sat Nov 22 2008 - 05:21:45 PST

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