I'm responding to Jesse at the moment... but to round out...every now
and then I give myself the luxury of kcicking the received view in the
butt ... to try and get it to wake up..... I'll go away shortly.... :-)
Deep blue doesn't know it's a chess program, doesn't know what chess is,
doesn't know its playing anything or anything else... it's just symbols
moving about in an abstracted chunk of matter in a way that that only
makes sense in the eyes of a human supervisor. Charge hurtling about in
packets inside the chips.
Yes, there will be super-superdoopermega-computing of unbelievable
capability....(abtract symbol manipulation)....they will be capable of
prodigious computational feats... but will have the intelligence of a
doorstop forever when compared to humans in this one very special
behaviour - scientific behaviour - the achilles heel of all COMP
arguments....these superdooper COMPs will never be able to do science,
nor solve everyday problems the same way humans do. It is in this one
single behaviour I find great clarity and the logical weakness needed to
kill COMP off for good.
There will always be sub-standard behaviour until the FULL physics is
incorporated in the chips. When they can do science - then they'll be
like us.....At the moment more than 50% of the physics of cognition is
thrown away and NONE of that missing element is addressed by COMP models
of intellect except by unjustified assumption that COMP is true.
Fundamental physics is thrown away when the computer's substrate is
substituted for the real thing (see the Jesse email). Such COMP entities
can be predicted right now to NEVER be scientists. This is a testable
proposition based on real physics, not through the adoption of
meta-beliefs about the role of abstract computation in the universe.
Just because the universe appears to behave 'as-if' all is abstract
computation does not entail that it literally be so. That it continues
to be treated so is a serious error sustained by maths and physics -
which is currently behaving religiously - mathematics rapture - where
the maths is explored instead of the natural world - where the
interpretations of the nuances of abstract mathematical appearances are
preferred over the real natural reality we inhabit. Physics is currently
trapped in a systematically religious mode of operation that would make
our 19th century forbears cringe in horror.
COMP is dead.
Bingsjord proclaimed it dead here: Bringsjord, S. (1999), 'The Zombie
Attack on the Computational Conception of Mind'. Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research LIX(1):pp. 41-69. To this and the No Free
Lunch Theorem I would like to add my arguments to the eulogy. I have 2
completely independent refutations, both different to Bringsjord's, in
journal review as we speak.
*How many refutations will it take before it dies and everyone gets over
colin (back to Jesse and the closer on COMP)
marc.geddes.domain.name.hidden wrote:
> On Sep 2, 1:56 pm, Colin Hales <c.ha....domain.name.hidden> wrote:
>> Hi Marc,
>> */Eliezer/*'s hubris about a Bayesian approach to intelligence is
>> nothing more than the usual 'metabelief' about a mathematics... or about
>> computation... meant in the sense that "cognition is computation", where
>> computation is done BY the universe (with the material of the universe
>> used to manipulate abstract symbols)
>> </search?hl=en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Eliezer+Yudkowsky&sp�ell=1>.....
>> *You don't have to work so hard to walk away from that approach...*
> Hi Colin,
> The chess computer 'Deep Blue' was computational, and could play chess
> better than the (then) chess world champion, Gary Kasparov. But that
> didn't mean that the programmers understood all the chess, or all the
> chess had already been played. So I don't think your argument is a
> good one. You can't rebut Yudkowsy's approach as easily as that ;)
> But I kind of understand your sentiment, and agree that science can't
> (and shouldn't be) reduced to mere Bayesian probability shuffling.
> There are aesthetic judgements involved in science, and I don't think
> any precise mathematical definition of these aesthetic notions is
> possible, as Bruno has already opined. Yudkowsky's excessive faith
> in Bayesian Induction is definitely his weakness. But that doesn't
> mean we can't make a computational super-intelligence.
> Cheers
> >
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Received on Tue Sep 02 2008 - 01:45:07 PDT