Re: QTI ---> Expanding brains

From: Tom Caylor <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 23:38:51 -0700 (PDT)

On Apr 22, 6:26 am, "Stathis Papaioannou" <> wrote:
> 2008/4/22 Tom Caylor <>:
> >  Your "external event" is part of what I was referring to as "out
> >  there". I would argue for the consistency and the merits of the view
> >  that our identity is tied not only to our brains but also to events
> >  recorded outside of our brains.  Someone with Alzheimers still has a
> >  history (and also an identity) recorded externally to their brains, a
> >  history that can be read by other persons.  I know, the quantum
> >  superposition view entails that there are multiple histories being
> >  read by multiple persons in multiple universes.  As I have said before
> >  on this list, I think that this just multiplies the problem.  If your
> >  identity is tied only to your brain, and the first person observer
> >  moments that it can experience based solely on internal "memory", then
> >  you have multiple people in multiple universes treating the Alzheimers
> >  patient as worthless (since they know that the patient cannot remember
> >  these accomplishments), and multiple Alzheimers patients believing
> >  that he/she is worthless, with no identity so speak of.  What's wrong
> >  with the view that our memory is augmented by the external world
> >  around us?  In fact, it has been discussed here before that perhaps
> >  consciousness itself needs a world external to our "brains" in order
> >  to keep living.  I'm for the view that life/consciousness/everything
> >  is about relationships rather than data.
> The Alzheimer's patient is significant to other people because they
> remember him and maintain a relationship with him. If he has forgotten
> who exactly they are but still retains some sort of emotional
> attachment to them - "the nice woman who has come to visit me" - then
> that is a feeling and it is part of the content of the observer
> moment. But as memory and cognition deteriorate and only the
> vegetative functions remain, then unfortunately what makes the person
> a person is fading away. That's why it's so sad when a family member
> gets Alzheimer's.
> --
> Stathis Papaioannou

Another way to look at it (in a non-"everything is OMs" view) is that
it's sad because the apparent opportunity to appreciate the person is


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Received on Wed Apr 23 2008 - 02:39:07 PDT

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