Re: UDA Step 7

From: Jason Resch <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 00:56:48 -0500

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Russell Standish <> wrote:
> The situation is surely more subtle. To recognise a physical process
> as a computation requires an observer to interpret it as such. One of
> the key features of conscious is the ability to recognise a certain
> process as self, so that (assuming comp) we can objectively say that
> some processes are conscious, because they recognise themselves as
> computations. Otherwise computation is just in the eye of the
> beholder, and so would consciousness be, which is absurd.
> I think it unlikely that the entire universe is conscious.

I think we agree in some sense with the self-interpretation. Let me
explain what I believe for the given thought experiment proposed by
John Serle.


"Since then, Searle has come up with another argument against strong
AI. Strong AI proponents claim that anything that carries out the same
informational processes as a human is also conscious. Thus, if we
wrote a computer program that was conscious, we could run that
computer program on, say, a system of ping-pong balls and beer cups
and the system would be equally conscious, because it was running the
same information processes.

Searle argues that this is impossible, since consciousness is a
physical property, like digestion or fire. No matter how good a
simulation of digestion you build on the computer, it will not digest
anything; no matter how well you simulate fire, nothing will get
burnt. By contrast, informational processes are observer-relative:
observers pick out certain patterns in the world and consider them
information processes, but information processes are not
things-in-the-world themselves. Since they do not exist at a physical
level, Searle argues, they cannot have causal efficacy and thus cannot
cause consciousness. There is no physical law, Searle insists, that
can see the equivalence between a personal computer, a series of
ping-pong balls and beer cans, and a pipe-and-water system all
implementing the same program."

I am in complete disagreement with Searle's assertion that
consciousness is a physical property. I further disagree with his
assertion that a computer based on pipes and water or ping pong balls
could not be conscious. I think you would agree, saying that
observers within those computed realities can interpret the
computations that create their realities. When something is burned in
a simulation, the heat of the fire and smell of the smoke can be felt
by observers within that simulated reality. Where you and I might
diverge in opinion is that I think something still burns in a
simulated reality even if there are no observers within that reality
to sense it. It's the basic "If a tree falls in the woods.." idea. I
would say the simulation of the tree falling doesn't make a sound
without an observer in the simulation to hear it, but I would say a
tree still falls, in that simulation even without there being an
interpreter at that level of simulation. I am interested to know your
opinion on this and how if at all it differs from mine.



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