Re: Theory of Everything based on E8 by Garrett Lisi

From: Torgny Tholerus <>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 08:49:28 +0100 skrev:
> As far as I tell tell, all of physics is ultimately
> geometry. But as we've pointed out on this list many times, a theory
> of physics is *not* a theory of everything, since it makes the
> (probably false) assumption that everything is reducible to physical
> substances and properties.

I think that everything is reducible to physical substances and
properties. And I think that all of physics is reducible to pure

I have now read Garrett Lisis paper. It was interesting, but it is
still to early to say if it is important. There is a lot of symmetries
in the elementary particles, and there is a lot of symmetries in the E8
Lie group. So it is not any suprise that they both can be mapped on
each other. Lisi has mapped 222 elementary particles on the 242
elements of E8, and he has predicted that the rest of the 20 elements
correspond to 20 yet to be discovered elementary particles. If it is
true, then Lisi will have the Nobel price. If it is not, then we will
have to look for another TOE.

But it is possible that we will never find any TOE. Because there is
10^500 different possiblities for our universe, and all of these 10^500
universes exist in the same way. By experiments we will have to decide
which of those that is our universe, but we will never reach the correct
answer, the number of experiments needed will be too many.

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Received on Fri Nov 23 2007 - 02:49:36 PST

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