Re: One solution to the Measure Problem: UTM outputs a qualia, not a universe

From: Rolf Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 00:14:21 -0000

> > World-Index-Compression Postulate: The most probable way for the
> > output of a random UTM program to be a single qualia, is through
> > having a part of the program calculate a Universe, U, that is similar
> > to the universe we currently are observing; and then having another
> > part of the program search through the universe and pick out a
> > substring by using an search algorithm SA(U) that tries to find a
> > random sentient being in U and emit his qualia as the final output.
> This sounds kind of complex. Just how do you recognise sentience?

You can't recognize it directly, at least not with a 500-bit
subroutine. (Otherwise you could write a 510-bit program that iterates
through random substrings and picks the first sentient one, violating
the given World-Index-Compression postulate.) But in an ordered world,
you might "track down" a human (or other sentient being) within 500
bits with instructions like "keep searching in a straight line,
through an unbounded number of light-years, until you bump into
something that stands upright, uses grammar, and would get angry if I
punched it." (I'm making up these numbers, if I'm close to Realistic
Numbers it's just luck and not insight here.)


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Received on Mon Sep 17 2007 - 20:14:25 PDT

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