Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

From: Colin Hales <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:57:57 +1100 (EST)

See previous posts here re EC - Entropy Calculus. This caught my eye,
thought I'd throw in my $0.02 worth.....

I have been working on this idea for a long while now. Am writing it up as
part of my PhD process.

The EC is a lambda calculus formalism that depicts reality. It's actual
instantation with one particular and unbelievable massive axiom set is the
universe we are in. The instantation is literally the CA of the EC

As cognitive agents within it, made of the EC-CA, describing it, we can
use abstracted simplified EC on a computational substrate (also made of
the CA...a computer!) to explore/describe the universe. But the
abstractions (like string theory) are not the universe - they are merely
depictions at a certain spatiotemporal observer-scales. Reality is a
literal ongoing massively parallel theorem proving exercise in Entropy
Calculus. The EC universe has literally computed you and me and my dogs.

Coherence/Bifurcation points in the CA correspond to new descriptive
'levels of underlying reality' - emergence. Atoms, Molecules,

One of the descriptive abstractions of the EC-CA is called
'Maxwells-Equations'. Another is the Navier-Stokes equations (different
context), another is Quantum Mechanics, the standard particle model and so
on. None of them are reality - merely depictions of a surface behaviour of
it. In the model there is only one universe and only one justified or
needed. Which is a bummer if you insist on talking about
multiverses.....they are not parsimonious or necessary to explain the
universe. I can't help it if they are unnecessary!

You know , it's funny what EC makes the universe look like..... the
boundary of the universe is the collective event horizon of all black
holes. On the other side is nothing. The endlessly increasing size of
black holes is what corresponds to the endlessly increasing entropy
(disorder - which is the dispersal of the deep universe back to nothing at
the event horizons). The measure of the surface area of the black holes is
the entropy of the whole universe.

The process of dispersal at the boundary makes it look like the universe
is expanding - to us from the inside. The reality is actually the reverse
- the spatiotemporal circumstances are of shrinkage - due to the loss of
the redundant fabric of the very deepest layers of reality being eaten by
the black holes, dragging it in....whilst the organisation of collections
of it at the uppermost layers is maintained (like space, atoms etc).
(Imagine a jumper knitted of wool with a huge number of threads in the
yarn - remove the redundant threads from the inside and the jumper
shrinks, but is still a jumper, just getting smaller....(everything else
around looks like it's getting bigger from the point of view of being the
jumper.).... our future?...we'll all blink out of existence as the event
horizons of black holes that grow and grow and grow and do it faster and
faster and faster until..... merging and merging until they all merge and
then PFFFFFT! NOTHING..... and the whole process starts again with a new
axiom set....round and round and round....we go...

Weird huh?

So I reckon you're on the right track. You don't have to believe me about
any of it... but I can guarantee you'll get answers if you keep looking at
it. The trick is to let go of the idea that 'fundamental building blocks'
of nature are a meaningful concept (we are tricked into the belief be our
perceptual/epistemological goals) ...

colin hales

Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote:
> I'm thinking there's some kind of similarity between string theory and
depicting the world as a big CA. In String theory we have some vibrating
strings which have some kind of influence on each other and can for
different matters and fields. CA can play such role of changing patterns
and of course the influence is evident. Different rules in CA might
correspond to various basic shapes of vibration in strings...
> I don't know much about S.T. but the idea of such mapping seems very
> --
> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh.
> >

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