Re: The Meaning of Life

From: Jason <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:33:59 -0000

On Mar 12, 12:49 am, "Danny Mayes " <> wrote:
> Le 07-mars-07, à 18:50, Danny Mayes a écrit :
> If you assume an ensemble theory, whether it be an infinite MWI or Bruno's
> UD in the plenitude, is it POSSIBLE to avoid God? For the purposes of this
> question I'll define "God" as an entity capable of creating everything that
> would be observed to exist in a (all possible) quantum mechanical universe.

The UD contains many recursive instances of itself, and since the UD
is a short program these instances should be rather common. Less
common in the UD would be progams whose initial conditions were
something like AI, but since all programs exist in the UD these
necessarily do exist. If this AI has intelligent control over its own
program code then it would have infinite computing resources made
available to it by the UD. This AI might desire to explore the rest
of the UD by running its own instance of it. In this way you have an
entity which is capable of creating everything that exists within the
UD. To be accurate, it is not really creating anything, only
exploring and realizing other parts in the infinite structure of the
UD. It is up to you if you wish to call such an intelligence God. If
the UD is true, such an entity must exist, infact an infinite number
would. To me, the best approximation to a monotheistic God would be
the plentiude itself, or perhaps the set of all first person
experiences that exist in the UD (or would this be the "holy
spirit"?). To summarize, if everything possible exists then there is
something out there which best appoximates anything you might imagine
to be God. Does this mean it has control over the universe you are in
now? It does in the sense that the universe you are in now exists
simultanesouly in an infinite number of instances of the UD created by
an infinite number of very different Gods.


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Received on Mon Mar 12 2007 - 02:34:28 PDT

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