Preliminary essay arguing for new definition of infinity using boolean logic and the real world. (add your thoughts and constructive criticism)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 22:35:19 -0000

The word infinity comes from the latin word meaning Unbounded, or

In geometry and the world, what makes something distinct from
something else? Only a few things: Area's, dots and boundaries. Lines
are just merged dots or dots stitched together (merged) or separated

Now there are many definitions of infinity, but to think of infinity
in the general sense it makes sense if you begin with boolean logic.
In boolean logic this would mean, either filled or not. either you
exist, or you do not. Either on or off, instantaneous velocity or
transmission velocity. There is no sequence of in between movements in
boolean space, you are either in the space (filling it) or not filling
it. You "Jump" instantaneously between areas in boolean space. To help
think about this concept, imagine 2 concentric circles on the ground,
and you jump between them and land exactly in the middle of each one,
except when you make the jump you are instantaneously transported from
the middle of the first circle to the middle of the next. The empty
space in the 2nd circle is instantly transported (displaced) to the
first circle behind you. (it helps to imagine it as 2 spheres
connected by an "infinitely reflective point" (a node of instant
transmission) in the middle.

People try to think of infinity in the real world as a "number", but
it can't actually "be" a "number" in the traditional sense of how we
understand numbers, because a number is a an object and objects are
BOUNDED (have boundaries, have distinction) to mean something. When
mathematicians count numbers or create them in their imaginary
symbolic space, they don't always realize that we use numbers to
describe things that are for the most part could be described with
infinitely many points, it's just where we continue to stop (create a
boundary around and choose a number). To see how this works in the
real world, imagine you're polishing a mirror for a new space
telescope do you make an object "infinitely" smooth, by dividing and
dividing again the measurements, or do you at some point stop and the
mirror is smooth enough?

Now if you really want to see what it is like to understand infinity,
go get a hand held mirror and cover it partially with a piece of solid
or semi translucent tape that is easy to unstick from the mirror. Then
stand in front of another one like your bathroom mirror and reflect
the mirror back on itself. That is probably the best way to see the
essence of infinity: The point of infinite reflection, something that
unidirectionally reflects back on itself to a central point like a
circle spinning casting rays toward the equidistant center. Infinity
is a surprisingly easy concept to understand once you understand that
its infinitely reflective, or in simpler language "it just is".

To help us understand imagine boolean conception of infinity, we must
understand by trying to imagine it in the real world the real world as
a *unidirectional* geometric series of "vortex like (spinning) conic
rays towards a point in space, or a surface like your mirror, that
fades (compresses) into a point that merges. Now back to our mirror
experiment, because all the images when you look off into that "hall
of mirrors" you've just created merges into an area (a completely
filled space near the "Vanishing point" (the point where objects lose
their boundaries and become unbounded)), all the images created from
that eternal reflection, at some point become squished together
"infinitely" (completely filled) where no object is distinguishable
from any other object: all objects merge and lose their boundaries!
(That is to lose distinction or boundedness)

Mathematicians and scientists the symbolic terrorists

Traditional mathematics obscures the concept of infinity because math
is a tool for measurement, but most mathematicians forget that math is
arbitrarily defined symbols we apply to positions on a line or surface
somewhere located in a space. We simply choose a point and then begin
counting (creating ones or subdivisions of 1) in a direction (a vector
or simply an arrow pointing in a linear direction), in school you
really only count 1's and fractions of 1 in one or two directions on
the old fashioned number line (... -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ... ), they never
teach you that you can count geometrically in 3D space, from any angle
in any direction and even many or all directions at once from
arbitrarily chosen points in a space until much later if at all if you
make it to that point educationally.

The concept of one or one-ness

The concept of one-ness, what is a number? Well I'll tell you what
numbers really are, they are whole or partial reflections of the
concept of one. Or, numbers are BOUNDED OBJECTS or an object that is
bounded (distinct) from something else. Why do I say this? Because all
numbers are nothing more then reflections (creations of one, fully or
partial like 1, 1/3 or 0.5 (5x0.1) or reverse reflections
(destructions (partial or total seperations) of 1), and you can
infinitely create (knit/stitch) ones together or infinitely destroy
them into infinitely many pieces. Why do I say create or destroy?
Because as you remember: Numbers are bounded objects, numbers by
definition have boundaries, and bounded objects are necessarily
finite. Numbers are DESCRIPTIONS of OBJECTS in the real world. Be it
binary data, or the length of a wall, or the "mass" (how filled with
energy) of an atom.

Now why do I say infinity is simply unidirectionally reflective
geometric series towards a point? Just look in the mirror, geometric
series existed before we assigned numbers to them, (1/2, 1/4, 1/16,
1/32, ...) what you see in the mirror is such a series, all you need
is two (or more) mirrors reflecting back on itself to DISCOVER certain
things that about math, and how we choose to assign decimal based
symbolic representations (1,2,3,4) to things we see like (i.e.
geometric series) which in the real world can be seen visually
(instead of in symbolic numeric notation) as we look at the two
mirrors reflecting an object or parts of objects back on themselves.

Math is a symbolic subset of measurement ("detecting, feeling and
sensing things")

Math is really the concept and field of Measurement, and not just
measurement, measurement of shapes, colors, lights, sounds and
objects. Basically math is the measure of objects that have boundaries
and distinction. Now say we want to know how long the coastline of
Britain is, from a mathematical standpoint we'd want to fill all the
cracks and crevices along the coast with a ruler that gets smaller and
smaller and smaller, but now lets try something else. Draw a circle on
a 2D piece of paper, and measure it with a ruler... a problem starts
to occur, the more you measure, you hit a point where you keep adding
measurement nodes to the circle, or you hit a point where all your
measurements begin to merge (imagine a circle where you keep creating
dots on a growing ruler by dividing the distance again and again, over
time, and you see this circle animating, kind of like a dots traveling
around the boundary in/on a wave, as the previous scale dots keep
moving and moving.

Therefore infinity is a data space, or boolean probability field, it
is not a number, the only thing infinity can be is a boundary, and an
existant. To try to think of infinity imagine an existant white sheet
of paper with no boundaries and an ethereal bubble of 1 and zero
joined together inside the bubble flickering/vibrating, in "half on"
and "half off" state, or in a union state)... basically. the state
between zero and 1, existing in unboundedness, unidirectionally
existant. Now when we choose a number and define one, what we are
really doing is pulling strings of data (0's and 1's, ons and offs)
from an infinite (that is boolean probability field) ball of string
and making sequences, be they dots, or whatever data you want to make
and then connecting dots with lines and making shapes with them
(boundaries). It is the creation of boundaries around a chosen point.

Now lets say we're god for the sake of argument and we want to build a
new universe, for my example we'll do it in 2D. We have a plane of
paper in front of us that represents the "pre (always, remember
boolean, you exist or you dont), the blank sheet of paper (basically
no space-time (or rather space-matter) has been created yet).

So how do we create an area? and how do we create bounded objects that
have distinction? Well first we'll try by drawing dots (nodes). That
is by drawing binary points that we cause to exist.. So we begin to
draw a few dots around a chosen center point on our paper, in an
equidistant manner creating a concentric circle. So now we have dots,
but no boundaries, if we tried to create something there would be no
box or space for it to exist in because we realize that SPACE is a
SOMETHING, and must be created, space is not a nothing, or a non-
existent entity. Boolean logic demands that you either exist or you
do not. So now what we do is we draw a boundary (a concentric circle)
around one of the dots and another concentric circle around one of the
other dots and join them together in our minds eye. So now they form
a boolean chain. We will fill the first ring with, energy from
existance (1), and the second with all not filled (all energy that is
the opposite, so our existing "energy atom", can actually move). So
Vaccuum in space is not nothing, it is a energy inverse, because true
energy (that which exists) can not ever stop existing (convservation
law), so the substance of space as well by definition, if ever
converted back to its proto existent atomic form, would always exist.

So now we have a Uni-binary data unit that can create things (space,
matter, boundares, etc that 1) have space to exist 2) Have existence.
Now we have a boundary around an area or a "space", but in the
creation of that finite space, that finite space is now connected to
"unified existant energy".

The easy way to understand how its connected is by simply imagining
sciences belief in the unbroken chain of cause-and-effect, if the
chain is unbroken everywhere for all time, then it must be connected
by ever present boundary (or else there would be no distinction
between objects) and that central point holding these bondaries
together must have always existed and is ever present in the
inaccessable boundaries between all things. (because in boolean, you
either exist or you do not). And in our world, using boolean logic
there could be no unbroken chain of cause and effect, and cause and
effect breaks down completely when there are no boundaries between
objects and all energy in the universe merges back to "unity", and the
dots and boundaries we have made have collapsed into the unified
always existing or what can only be called unified boolean field
space. (I call it a boolean field, simply because it makes
understanding the process in reverse easier, to a finite (bounded)
object it would be a probability field)

The unity data (the boundary that binds zero and 1, and creates the
boundary between them, or simply "the indistinct existing omega-
boolean, the set that contains the boolean set" (the undivided

So if infinity is "unbounded" (ever present, omnidirectional,
everywhere) and the finite is parts (dividing) of the existent (the
existent), then through the the binding of objects and creation of
distinction and boundaries between them must exist infinity. You can
only have boundaries, in boolean logic (you exist or you dont) if
there is a superset that creates boundaries and distinction between
being and not being. Through having boundaries from the one source
(which we will define as infinity) because only an "unbound" existent
can bind objects to create distinction between what a finite being
would perceive as 'existant' and 'not existant', the truth is when
people die their matter-energy disperses, they are not truly non-
existant since the matter that they are made of existed before they
existed, therefore, what we understand as 'non-existance' is no such
thing, it is non-consciousness of the that which exists, or the
existent. Or the unidirectionally everywhere present boundary from
every angle that holds all energy back from wanting merging with
itself. (1 existing, energy all filling, all directional)

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