Hello Stephen,
Le 22-f�vr.-07, � 02:08, Stephen Paul King a �crit :
> Hi Bruno,
> I read all of your posts with interest and after reading your
> responce
> to Hal's latest post, where you make a statement about your theory, I
> again
> have a question: How do you account for the multiplicity of "minds"
> (each
> having a different "PoV of the "physical world") such that your theory
> is
> not just a very sophisticated version of Solipsism?
In the thought experiments (UDA), the mutiplicity of minds, or the
possibility of such a multiplicity, is given by the duplication of
population of individuals, and the fact that people there can share a
notion of first person indeterminacy. Just imagine the whole of
belgians duplicated into Washington and Moscow. They can make bets!
I usually refer to this with the notion of first person plural
In the lobian interview, the question is more difficult. First person
plural is given, approximately, by the Bp & Dp (provable p and
consistent p) person point of view. This gives an arithmetical quantum
logic. But quantum logics are known to be insufficient to define a
natural tensor product or entanglement, needed for "entangling" the
Thanks to relation between knot theory and quantum information, I begin
to see more clearly how QM escapes solipsism, and this provides hints
how comp will solve it, or being refuted by not allowing it.
Knots and braids seems to me to be the best intermediary structures
between quantum realities and numbers. But for the "qualium" realities
(the person and their inner observation), the logic of self-reference
seems to me the only way to keep them "intact" ...
> Is the word "head" (in your statement) a derivative/representation
> of
> some aspect of the "measure" you mention in your papers and if so how?
I don't think so. "head" was used a bit poetically, to show up the
relation between the machine self-reference logics and the inward
looking of the mystics (like Plotinus).
Your "head" is in your "head" too :-)
I assure you that if comp leads to solipsism, I will take that as a
definitive refutation of comp. But this should not be confused with the
problem of the number of persons. Even if there is really only one
person, it would not mean solipsism is true. It would mean we are all
the same person (in different context), not that "I" am the only one.
With comp the number of first person is an open problem.
Bon week-end,
PS My paper on Plotinus I talked about has been accepted.
About my other paper relating knots and the Bp & Dp stases, I talked
about too, well, ... I found an error by myself, and I am a bit
stucked, although I have just made some progress. I have understood
that if physics is really derivable from arithmetical introspection
(and this follows from comp by UDA), then it should be easier to derive
a topological quantum universal machine in the neighborhood of almost
all universal machine, than physics per se .... The relation between G
and Z (corresponding to Plotinus' mirror between intelligible matter
and the divine intellect) gives rise to a structure relating braids and
quantum information, but a bit too trivial. Not enough for getting
quantum entanglement, nor quantum universality, and still less the
first person plural notion you ask me for. I hope this comes from my
incompetence, not a symptom of a comp solipsism!
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Received on Fri Feb 23 2007 - 11:21:33 PST