Re: The Meaning of Life

From: Brent Meeker <>
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 18:40:39 -0800

Jo�o Silva wrote:
> Hi, I'm new to this list. Sorry for coming into the conversation
> uninvited, but I would like to post some comments on this :) Hope you
> don't mind.
> Brent Meeker wrote:
>> And does it even have to be very good? Suppose it made a sloppy copy
>> of me that left out 90% of my memories - would it still be "me"? How
>> much fidelity is required for Bruno's argument? I think not much.
> Memories would have to be somehow stored (in neurons or whatever), so
> losing 10% of memories would likely mean that 10% of the brain wasn't
> perfectly copied. I guess even a 0.0001% error of copy would probably
> kill someone; for instance, a minimally modified cell may develop a
> lethal cancer.

But I forget stuff all the time. I've probably already forgotten 90% of things I've known (what was your telephone number in 1966?). And for the most part it's caused me no inconvenience, much less death.

Brent Meeker

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Received on Sun Jan 07 2007 - 21:41:01 PST

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