Le 09-nov.-06, � 14:07, 1Z a �crit :
> Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> Le 31-oct.-06, � 19:37, 1Z a �crit :
>>> Well, I think numbers don't exist AT ALL....
>> I have not the slightest idea what you mean by that.
> If you don't understand anti-Platonism, that would certainly explain
> why you don't argue against it.
I still don't understand what you mean by numbers does not exist at
all. If that is "antiplatonism", it would help me if you could explain
what is "antiplatonism", or better what could it mean that the numbers
don't exist. We already agree they don't exist physically, but saying
they does not exist at all ??? Even Licorne exists in some sense,
without referent in "the physical world", but with referent (meaning)
in some fantasy worlds? Why could numbers not exist in some similar
sense, except that the number fantasy kiks back (as Tom has recalled
I am just trying to understand what you say.
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Received on Thu Nov 09 2006 - 10:21:29 PST