Re: Maudlin's argument

From: 1Z <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:26:01 -0700 wrote:
> Russell Standish wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 07:41:37AM -0000, wrote:
> > >
> > > My dear fellow, as I explained in a previous post, consciousness IS a
> > > second time dimension. The 'Block-universe' view of time (B-Theory)
> > > and the 'Flowing River' view of time (A-Theory) can both be partially
> > > right *if* we allow time to have more than one component or dimension.
> > > The block universe is the mathematical 'scaffolding' of time. But
> > > superimposed on top of this is *another* component to time....
> > > conscious (sentient) observer moments. The block scaffolding of time
> > > doesn't flow. But the observer moments *do*.
> >
> > They can also be both right if they're held to be emergent concepts
> > (in the precise form of the term I use). Extra dimensionality is not
> > needed.
> The key point I think is that both the A-theorists and the B-theorists
> are partially right.

The B-series is easily compatible with the A-series. The point
about a block universe is that there is no A-series,
not that there is a B-series. This asymmetry makes the
situation unlike W/P duality.

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Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 09:27:31 PDT

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