Le 07-oct.-06, � 22:24, <jamikes.domain.name.hidden> a �crit :
> "my" reductionism is simple: we have a circle of knowledge base
> and view
> the world as limited INTO such model. Well, it is not. The
> reductionist view
> enabled homo to step up into technological prowess but did not support
> an
> extension of understanding BEYOND the (so far) acquired
> knowledge-base. We
> simply cannot FIND OUT what we don't know of the world.
> Sciences are reductionistic, logic can try to step out, but that is
> simple
> sci-fi, use fantasy (imagination?) to bridge ignorance.
> I am stubborn in "I don't know what I don't know".
It is a little ambiguous, but if by "I" you refer to your first person
view I could agree with you.
But for the 3-person view then, once I bet on a theory I can bet on
what I don't know. Example.
If I just look at the moon without theory, I cannot know nor describe
what I don't know.
As soon I bet on a theory, like saying that the moon is a big ball,
then I can know a part of what I don't know (like is there life form on
that sphere, or what is the shape of the other face of that sphere).
From a third person point of view, a theory (a model in your term) is a
catalyzer for knowing we don't know much, and then formulating problems
and then solving some of them or sometimes changing the theory (the
> Jump outside our knowledge? it is not 'ourselves', it is ALL we know
> and
> outside this is NOTHINGNESS for the mind to consider. Blank.
In which model (theory)?
> This is how most of the religions came about. Provide a belief.
Scientific theories also provide beliefs.
Theology has been extracted from science for political purpose (about
1500 years ago), just to give "name" for what is really economical if
not just xenophobical conflicts. The same happened in the USSR with
genetics. No discipline, even math, is vaccine against the possible
human misuses.
> PS Er..., to Markpeaty and other readers of Parfit: I think that his
> use of the term "reductionist" is misleading, and due in part to his
> lack of clearcut distinction between the person points of view.
Well said.
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Received on Sun Oct 08 2006 - 10:15:22 PDT